The Learning Must Continue but... well... hmmm... the learning must continue. There are big questions on the table right now, even as we are all still dealing with the huge adjustment to …
When This Is Over
Covid-19 is the only news anymore. All of us have barely an ounce of energy or attention to entertain any other thought outside of our family and friend circles and the far-reaching impact of these …
what next?
CAL CEO Jess Buller talks with his daughter, Lisi, about the new announcement that in-person learning is done for the remainder of this school year. What is it going to look like this year? More …
These Strange Uncertain Times
Anyone who says they have answers right now is only guessing. No one has answers today because no one has lived through such pandemic times. Even outbreaks in recent memory... Bird Flu... H1N1... …
evrything changes {S(ometimes)}
Does it really?Do things really change as often as we think they do... or expect they will? And when things change, are we ready? Not usually... how can we get better at getting ourselves ready …